Fairborn School athletics “Pay to Participate” removed

FAIRBORN — Fairborn City Schools is eliminating “Pay to Participate” athletic fees, and bringing on new administrative staff in preparation for the new school year.

During a Board of Election meeting June 4, the Fairborn City School District voted to eliminate fees for athletics and band at Fairborn Middle and High schools. Leadership decided that the decision is in the best interest of students and families to eliminate these fees and create more student involvement.

“We want our students to have every opportunity to participate and be successful,” said Superintendent Gene Lolli. “This decision will open doors for students who may not have been able to participate in the past.”

Added Fairborn Board of Education President Jerry Browning, “We believe that this is a sound decision for the Fairborn community and our families and we hope that participation numbers will increase at both the high school and middle school levels.”

In addition, there are some staffing changes going on in Fairborn, including a new high school principal. Current principal Waylon Stegall will be stepping away from his position, and be a special education supervisor at Fairborn Primary School. In his place, Karen Spaulding-Chicketti will be the new high school principal beginning in August.

Spaulding-Chicketti has served in the Dayton Public School District as principal at Belmont High School and has years of experience serving as assistant principal in the Dayton Public School District.

“We wish our current staff members all the best as they take on new roles,” Lolli said. “We welcome our new leadership as we begin our next steps in preparation for the opening of the new highs school and the construction of a new middle school.”

The district has also hired Rodney Roberts, who will serve as the new director of business affairs and classified personnel. Roberts has served as the supervisor for buildings and grounds for Kettering City Schools and in the Franklin City School District served as the director of business affairs. Roberts will be taking the role currently held by Jeff Patrick, who is leaving this summer to be the superintendent of Northwestern Schools in Clark County.

“This is a critical time in the development of our team and the future of Fairborn City Schools,” Browning said. “We are confident that we have the best team in place to mode the the district forward.”

The board has also ratified contracts will all unions this spring, including the FEA, FCEA, and DPSU.

A ribbon cutting and community open house is planned for July 17 at the new high school building. The ribbon cutting will be at 3 p.m., with the open house running from 4-7 p.m.

Contact Ethan Charles at 937-502-4532.