Fair Scavenger Hunt can win you valuable coupons

GREENE COUNTY FAIRGROUNDS — We’re out there. Walking around, snapping photos and doing interviews … sometimes just sitting around eating fair food. But we’re out there roaming the Greene County Fairgrounds.

Take our picture!

No, we’re not obsessed with our looks. But we are part of the inaugural Instagram scavenger hunt that is currently going on, and we want to help you win some yummy food.

If you enjoy the food at Nick’s Restaurant in Xenia or if you enjoy a hamburger at McDonald’s, this is your chance to win valuable coupons!

Here’s what you have to do:

• Take a photo of a gray T-shirted newspaper staffer.

• Grab a Xenia Daily Gazette, Fairborn Daily Herald or Beavercreek News-Current paper between Tuesday, July 25 and Saturday, Aug. 5 (with one of those dates!) and take your photo with that newspaper showing the date and a Greene County Fair sign somewhere on the Fairgrounds or near there.

• Take a photo of you or your family member getting ready for the Fair. Maybe you are washing your animal, working on your project or packing up your family to go to the Fair.

• Take a selfie in a barn at the Fairgrounds.

• Take a selfie while eating Fair food.

The entrant who does the most of these five things will win a $25 gift certificate at Nick’s Restaurant.

We’re also running contests for Best Food Selfie, Best Animal Photo, and Cutest Fair Kid. Those contests will earn you valuable gift cards from Nick’s or McDonald’s as well.

The top 3 in each of those categories will run on Facebook and Instagram.

You have until Monday, Aug. 7 to send in your photos.

Now the legal stuff: “Sending us your photo via Instagram or Facebook will authorize us to use it in social media and in print during and after Fair week. Winners will be announced on social media sites and in print.”

Contest entries may be sent to:

Instagram: @bcreek_newscurrent, @xenia_gazette or @fairborn_dailyherald.

Twitter: @_beavercreeknc, @xeniagazette or @fairbornherald.

Facebook: @beavercreeknews, @XeniaGazette, @FairbornDailyHerald.

You can email your entries to: [email protected].

So come on out to the Fair, find us, take our picture and win delicious food!

From now until the fair ends, we have staffers who will be at at least 11 of the remaining events. (We’ve already covered 40!) It’s not too late. Come find us!

We’re out there.

If you see someone walking around the Greene County Fairgrounds wearing a gray T-shirt like the one above, ask the person to take their picture with you. They’ll gladly oblige. It’s part of the inaugural Instagram scavenger hunt, hosted by your friends at the Xenia Daily Gazette, Fairborn Daily Herald, and the Beavercreek News-Current.
https://www.fairborndailyherald.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/50/2017/08/web1_DSC_0195.jpgIf you see someone walking around the Greene County Fairgrounds wearing a gray T-shirt like the one above, ask the person to take their picture with you. They’ll gladly oblige. It’s part of the inaugural Instagram scavenger hunt, hosted by your friends at the Xenia Daily Gazette, Fairborn Daily Herald, and the Beavercreek News-Current.

By John Bombatch

[email protected]

Sports Editor John Bombatch will be at the Greene County Fair on Friday, Aug. 5 to cover the OSTPA Truck and Tractor Pull competition, and he’ll be at the Fair on Saturday, Aug. 6 for the annual Strongman Contest and the ATV/Truck Drag Races. You can contact John’s office number at 937-372-4444, Ext. 2123.