Fairborn man gets 12 years for sex crimes

XENIA — A Fairborn man was sentenced to 12 years in prison Wednesday for sex crimes involving children.

Caleb Fleming, 20, pleaded guilty to four charges in June: three first-degree felony rape counts and one first-degree misdemeanor unlawful sexual conduct with a minor count. According to the indictment against Fleming, the incidents are said to have occurred in late 2013 and 2014.

According to a sentencing memorandum filed by Assistant Prosecuting Attorney Alice DeWine on behalf of the prosecution, the counts of rape involved a child during the time the child was 11 and 12 years old. The misdemeanor count involved another child, age 15, according to the state.

“There is evidence that despite knowing the ages of his victims, the defendant continued in sexual conduct with them,” the state’s filing reads. “Additional evidence shows the defendant preyed upon the most vulnerable of victims – children with troubled home lives.”

According to a filing submitted by co-defense attorney Jay Adams, Fleming was “permitted to live in the home of the complainant by the mother of the complainant,” he wrote. “Further it is submitted there are multiple instances of the complainant’s mother tactility approving of the conduct between the defendant and the complainant. … At the very least, there was a blind eye that was turned to this activity that could have prevented this incident from both parties’ perspective.”

The state asked the court to send Fleming to prison “for a substantial period of time, not less than 25 years.”

Fleming’s co-defense attorney, David Morrison wrote in his sentencing memorandum that, “Caleb fully understands that his actions were wrong and has apologized for the harm that he has caused. He further understands that he must face the consequences for his actions.”

Morrison asked for a sentence in the range of nine to 12 years.

“There’s no winners,” Morrison said after Fleming’s sentencing Wednesday, but declined to comment further.

Fleming was also ordered to register as a Tier III sexual offender as part of his sentence.

Fleming was sentenced in Greene County Common Pleas Court by Judge Michael Buckwalter.


By Nathan Pilling

[email protected]

Reach Nathan Pilling at 937-502-4498 or on Twitter @XDGNatePilling.