Area organizations partner for ‘Football for Food’ drive


FAIRBORN — The Fairborn FISH Pantry, Fairborn Kroger, Fairborn High School Leo Club and FCS Student Ambassadors held the annual “Football for Food” drive to feed the hungry in the community.

The Fairborn FISH Pantry leadership, Bill and Jane Doorley, organized this drive with the Kroger and the school district and the drive has been part of the start of school for several years. Volunteers from each organization worked shifts from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. greeting incoming shoppers and providing flyers with the needs of the FISH program.

As shoppers exited, they were able to drop items in the bins which were loaded into a box truck and then taken to the FISH pantry to be weighed. Kroger had displays throughout the stores with needed items and posters at strategic locations throughout the store. Store manager Brent Greene provided water and snack bars for volunteers.

“There are not enough words to thank you for your support of Fairborn FISH,” Jane Doorley said. “Our total donation this year was 30,736 pounds. Considering the price of many grocery items has increased, this is a reflection of the generosity of the citizens of Fairborn. We have already fed 28,838 individuals this year and our mission to eliminate hunger would not be possible without the Football for Food event.”

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