Fairborn Primary Read Across America Spirit Week events

Fairborn Primary School kicks off a Dr. Seuss-themed Read Across America Literacy Spirit Week on Friday. Events continue into next week.

Friday, Feb. 26 — Hats off to Kindness Day: Bring in $1, and wear your favorite or crazy hat. (Money collected will be donated by the PTO to the Fairborn United Methodist Church to support the Snak Pak Program).

Monday, Mar. 1 — I Can Read with my Eyes Shut: Wear a shirt that others can read.

Tuesday, Mar. 2 — Fox in Socks: Show off your crazy and mismatched socks.

Wednesday, Mar. 3 — Sleep Book: Wear your pajamas for a PJ reading day.

Thursday, Mar. 4 — My Many Colored Days: Wear your favorite color.

Friday, Mar. 5 — Dress up as your favorite Dr. Seuss character.

Happy spirit week, students. Oh, the places you’ll go!