FAIRBORN — Fairborn Knights of Columbus Grand Knight Eugene Erbacher recently held ceremonies to honor 53-year Fairborn resident and 56-year Knight John A. Wolfe.
Erbacher presented Wolfe with a plaque which read, “Fairborn Council 3724 K of C wishes Past Grand Knight John A. Wolfe a blessed and happy 85th birthday. We express our appreciation for your over 50 years of Outstanding Service and Leadership to our beloved Fairborn K of C Council.”
State Rep. Rick Perales read and presented an Ohio House of Representatives certificate honoring Wolfe and thanked him for his many years of service to his family, Church, Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, the Knights of Columbus and numerous community service organizations.
Perales also presented The General Assembly of the State of Ohio Senatorial Citation, signed by Sen. Bob Hackett, wishing Wolfe a happy birthday and saluting him as an outstanding Ohioan.
Linda Engle, Wolfe’s daughter, read and presented the Greene County Board of Commissioners resolution from commissioners Bob Glaser, Tom Koogler and Dick Gould.