Fairborn Schools receives $750,000 for technology upgrade

FAIRBORN — Fairborn City Schools recently received an anonymous donation of $750,000 for the purposes of expanding technology available for student use.

The donation from a Fairborn alumnus will allow the school district to “advance and accelerate its technology plan,” according to the district, with the goal of pairing students with technological resources on a 1:1 basis.

The coronavirus pandemic has heightened awareness of the necessity for students to have school-supplied resources for remotely accessing their assignments. These include Chromebooks or other laptops, WiFi, and other hardware that supports student learning.

In an official statement June 4, Superintendent Gene Lolli stated, “The district is currently 2:1 (student/technology ratio) district-wide, but only during the school day. This anonymous donation will allow us to expand beyond the walls of our school buildings in supporting our students.”

Fairborn joins schools around the Miami Valley that have invested in hardware that can travel between home and school.

School Board President Pat McCoart stated, “With the generosity of this Fairborn alumnus, our students will access school and opportunity like never before. The Fairborn Family is strong because of its generosity.”

The school has also expanded WiFi connectivity to include the parking lots of each building, save Fairborn Intermediate. That building is scheduled for demolition later this year.

Submitted photo A Fairborn alumnus, who requested anonymity, donated $750,000 to the Fairborn City School District to update and add technology for student use.
https://www.fairborndailyherald.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/50/2020/06/web1_SchoolBoard.jpgSubmitted photo A Fairborn alumnus, who requested anonymity, donated $750,000 to the Fairborn City School District to update and add technology for student use.

By London Bishop

[email protected]

Reach London Bishop at 937-502-4532