A presidential proclamation

Anna Bolton | Greene County News

Yellow Springs resident Marlene Johnson receives a proclamation, signed by President Donald Trump, during a Greene County Right to Life meeting March 2 at the Greene County Republican Party headquarters in Xenia. Elaine Herrick, Montgomery County Republican Party Central Committee, presented the National Sanctity of Human Life Day proclamation, commending Johnson for being a “warrior for life for many years.”

Anna Bolton | Greene County News Yellow Springs resident Marlene Johnson receives a proclamation, signed by President Donald Trump, during a Greene County Right to Life meeting March 2 at the Greene County Republican Party headquarters in Xenia. Elaine Herrick, Montgomery County Republican Party Central Committee, presented the National Sanctity of Human Life Day proclamation, commending Johnson for being a “warrior for life for many years.”
https://www.fairborndailyherald.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/50/2020/03/web1_Marlene.jpgAnna Bolton | Greene County News Yellow Springs resident Marlene Johnson receives a proclamation, signed by President Donald Trump, during a Greene County Right to Life meeting March 2 at the Greene County Republican Party headquarters in Xenia. Elaine Herrick, Montgomery County Republican Party Central Committee, presented the National Sanctity of Human Life Day proclamation, commending Johnson for being a “warrior for life for many years.”