Wisdom: The best defense mechanism

Proverbs 2:11-12a “Discretion will guard you, understanding will watch over you, to deliver you from the way of evil …”

I saw it crouched on the bike path just a few yards ahead of us. The fluffy baby bunny sat still as a statue with not even a twitch. Closer and closer we came and still not even a bat of the eye. I speculated this little guy imagined he was protected and hidden even though he was out in open view.

I had no thought of harming the innocent little critter, but I couldn’t say the same for my walking companion. Apache, my German Shepherd, also saw the figure at the side of the bike path. She wanted a much closer look and it was taking all of my strength to hold her leash tight. Baby Cottontail, who thought himself safe, was on the verge of a major disaster. With a little bit of wisdom he should have high-tailed it out of there as soon as he saw our approach.

I can’t find fault with this little bunny too much when so many of us also lack the wisdom necessary for our own protection. Like Baby Cottontail we sometimes think it is safe to hang around dangerous situations. Maybe, we conjecture, if we just observe what is going on but don’t participate we will stay safe. This is not always true. There are many situations where the best option is to run!

Proverbs 2 shares some advice from a father to his son. This dad encourages his boy to seek after wisdom for in finding wisdom there is much protection. Life harbors many enemies. Along the path there will be dangers. These may not be in the form of a 70-pound German Shepherd drooling and straining at the leash, but circumstances we encounter may have the potential of just as much harm.

Seeking after and arming ourselves with wisdom will give us understanding and guard us from the way of evil. Real wisdom, found in God’s word, allows us to discover God Himself and He preserves the way of His godly ones.

Wisdom, our best defense mechanism,

• helps us to recognize false words spoken by those who desire to lead us astray.

• checks us when we are tempted to go with our emotions instead of thinking clearly.

• keeps us from getting caught up in the evil that is all around us.

• leads us to discern what is good and right.

• protects us from making alliances with the wrong people.

• provides insight to know when we should stay, ask for help, or run for our life.

It was a close call! At the last second Baby Cottontail shot off into the safety of the thicket and hopefully learned something from the experience. As for you, my sons and daughters, listen to my advice and the advice of another parent from many years ago. Seek after wisdom for it is your best defense mechanism. It will guard you, watch over you, and deliver you from the way of evil! — Love Mama


By Sandra Sheridan

Sandra Sheridan is a Midwest wife and mother of five. She shares her letters to her children with our readers. Visit her at www.VersesFromMama.com.