Annual DAY camp now history

CLARK COUNTY — The Hertzler House Museum Committee’s 9th annual Living History DAY Camp is now history. Area fourth and fifth grade students experienced life as it might have been in 1854 when the Hertzler family lived in the big white house in George Rogers Clark Park.

With the help of Hertzler committee members and interns, participants made biscuits, hand churned butter and stewed apples. While waiting for lunch to cook, Assistant Nick Buckner helped everyone learn how to play old fashioned baseball in the hot, humid weather. The lunch table was set with real dishes, silverware and napkins and the dishes were properly washed by hand.

After lunch, everyone got a special tour of the house and made a mini-scrapbook with their camp photo and used a fountain pen to jot down some notes about their day. Finally, everyone got a turn cranking the ice cream freezer for the last treat of the day. Campers managed to dodge rain showers as they played with colonial toys until their folks came.

Submitted photo The Hertzler House Museum Committee’s 9th annual Living History DAY Camp invited area fourth and fifth grade students to George Rogers Clark Park to experience life as it might have been in 1854. photo The Hertzler House Museum Committee’s 9th annual Living History DAY Camp invited area fourth and fifth grade students to George Rogers Clark Park to experience life as it might have been in 1854.