FAIRBORN — A recent financial audit of the City of Fairborn by Auditor of State David Yost’s office has returned with a clean audit report.
The city’s excellent record keeping earned the Auditor of State Award with Distinction, and was accepted by Assistant Finance Director Annetta Williams at the Aug. 21 council meeting. This is the second time the city has earned the “with Distinction” honor; the city earned its first special designation in 2015.
“Clean financial books are vital to accountability in government,” Yost said. “Fairborn is clearly committed to maintaining accurate records, and I am proud to present them with this award.”
The Auditor of State Award with Distinction is presented to local governments and school districts upon the completion of a financial audit. Entities that receive the award meet the following criteria of a “clean” audit report:
– The entity must file timely financial reports with the Auditor of State’s office in the form of a CAFR (Comprehensive Annual Financial Report);
– The audit report does not contain any findings for recovery, material citations, material weaknesses, significant deficiencies, Single Audit findings or questioned costs;
The entity’s management letter contains no comments related to: Ethics referrals; questioned costs less than $10,000; lack of timely report submissions; reconciliation; failure to obtain a timely single audit; findings for recovery less than $100; public meetings or public records; no other financial or other concerns exist that involve eligible entity.
“We take pride in making our best possible effort to exemplify fiscal responsibility for the City and Citizen’s funds,” Williams said. “I am very pleased to be recognized for these efforts in such a way. We have the best staff around that works hard to support both our department and the city in achieving its goals and objectives. It is not just once a year during an audit and reporting process, but the day to day tasks that helps us to attain our goals.”
Online users can find the CAFR and other annual reports, by visiting ci.fairborn.oh.us, and selecting the “Government” tab, then choosing “Annual Reports.”