Fair moooves into action

Barb Slone | Greene County News

The Greene County Fair kicked off this weekend with moving events like the calf scramble, rabbit show and crowning of Fair Royalty.


Blake Faris takes time for photo with his favorite pig as he prepares for the first day of competition.
https://www.fairborndailyherald.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/50/2017/08/web1_BlakeFaris.jpgBlake Faris takes time for photo with his favorite pig as he prepares for the first day of competition.

Emily Stovall holds Penelope her long-haired rabbit.
https://www.fairborndailyherald.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/50/2017/08/web1_EmilyStovall.jpgEmily Stovall holds Penelope her long-haired rabbit.