Bath Township takes steps toward alleviating nuisance properties

BATH TOWNSHIP – Bath Township officials have taken another step towards dealing with several properties in the township that neighbors described as eyesores and a cause for concern.

During the May 3 township meeting, Bath Township Zoning Inspector Jim Miller told township trustees that progress had been made with the cleanup of the nuisance properties since the April 19 township meeting. At that time, residents living in Tanner Plat voiced their complaints to township trustees about a number of properties in their neighborhood and one vacant property located on Adams Road, which is adjacent to the subdivision. The residents claimed the unsightly properties were dragging down their property values.

Miller said he contacted the owner of the residence on Adams Road once again and discussed a timeline regarding the cleanup of the property. Miller told township trustees that he gave the property owner an extension on the deadline to clean up the property because he would be out of state the first part of May.

“I have set May 31 as the final deadline,” Miller said. “This should provide ample time for the property owner to clean up and clear out all the junk.”

According to Greene County Auditor’s records and Miller, the property is owned by TVN Properties LLC. The zoning inspector explained that he had some difficulty reaching the registered agent of the company because the listed address for TVN Properties LLC. on the auditor’s website led him to a duplex in the City of Beavercreek. Miller said he finally located and spoke to the agent who currently resides in the City of Fairborn. The township sent an official letter to the homeowner as well.

“Hopefully he will clean up the property by the end of May, and we can avoid taking this issue to the county prosecutor,” Miller said.

Miller added that he made another visit to Tanner Plat and had spoken directly to the homeowner of a nuisance property on Tanner Drive. Residents had complained about several cars parked in the front yard at the residence and numerous pallets that were stacked high and used as fencing to contain the owner’s dogs. The zoning inspector said the homeowner agreed to park his vehicles in an orderly fashion and to clean up some of the pallets in the front yard. However, he insisted on keeping the pallets that he claimed he used for woodworking and firewood.

“I did visit the plat once again, and the vehicles parked at the Tanner Drive residence were parked in a more organized way,” said Miller.

Miller told township trustees that he also inspected other properties in Tanner Plat where numerous vehicles, including inoperative vehicles and some with expired or no licenses, were parked in the front yards. Township Trustee John Martin told Miller that he was pleased with the progress that had been made with the properties.

The next regular session of the Bath Township Trustees is schedule for 7 p.m. Wednesday, May 17. All regular township sessions are held at the township building office, located at 1006 Yellow Springs-Fairfield Road in Fairborn.

By Linda Collins

For the Fairborn Herald

Linda Collins is a freelance writer for Greene County News.