7 honored at ceremony

FAIRBORN — Fairborn City School officials say the annual Hall of Honor ceremony is “the single greatest hour in the entire school year,” and it was hosted for the 30th-year in a row April 28, enshrining seven new members whose head shots and stories to be displayed forever in the hallway of Fairborn High School.

“Thank you, inductees, for serving as a positive role model for our students,” Superintendent Mark North said at the beginning of the ceremony.

The seven individuals included Commander Matthew E. Arnold, Peter Bates, Dr. Andrew Feltz, Lt. Col. Jon W. Hobbs, U.S.A.F. (ret.), Judy (Smith) Jagger-Mescher, Dr. David Kocher and Mark Neal.

Just before the honorees had the opportunity to address the crowd, they were introduced by special people in their lives, who explained who they are, funny anecdotes and all, before presenting them to North for official enshrinement.

Eight individuals who served as presenters during the event included William N. Arnold, who presented his son, Commander Matthew E. Arnold; Judy Kyle Hobbs, who presented her son, Lt. Col. Jon W. Hobbs; Karen Huelsman, who presented her friend, Peter E. Bates; Kristen Kocher Neace and Gretchen Kocher, who presented their father, Dr. David S. Kocher; Scott Neal, who presented his brother, Mark Neal; Kathi Russell-Rader, who presented her friend and fellow teacher, Judy Smith Jagger-Mescher; and John J. Stanton, who presented his friend and fellow classmate, Dr. Andrew D. Feltz.

Most of the inductees originated in Fairborn, or otherwise have a deep connection to the community, and allowed the district to shape who they are in some way before moving on to serve the nation and/or community in a significant way and bringing “high honor” to the district. Individuals must first be nominated to be enshrined into the Hall of Honor, then are selected by a committee of 17 individuals. Nomination forms for next year’s ceremony, due by Friday, Sept. 1, can be found at the FCS Board of Education office, 306 E. Whittier Avenue, or on the district’s website, Fairborn.k12.oh.us under the “alumni” link.

Mark Neal is a sports broadcaster who originated in Fairborn.
http://aimmedianetwork.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/50/2017/05/web1_hoh3.jpgMark Neal is a sports broadcaster who originated in Fairborn.

Commander Matthew E. Arnold giving a speech after being presented into the Hall of Honor.
http://aimmedianetwork.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/50/2017/05/web1_hoh1.jpgCommander Matthew E. Arnold giving a speech after being presented into the Hall of Honor.

Whitney Vickers | Greene County News Fairborn City Schools hosted the 30th-Annual Hall of Honor ceremony April 28, inducting seven new members.
http://aimmedianetwork.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/50/2017/05/web1_hoh2.jpgWhitney Vickers | Greene County News Fairborn City Schools hosted the 30th-Annual Hall of Honor ceremony April 28, inducting seven new members.

By Whitney Vickers

[email protected]

Reach Whitney Vickers at 937-502-4532.