Applications accepted for WSU president

Greene County News

FAIRBORN — Wright State University has entered a crucial step in its search for its seventh president.

The Wright State Presidential Search and Screening Advisory Committee and its search partner, Academic Search, are now seeking applications for the next president, who will replace Dr. David Hopkins when he retires June 30, 2017.

With the approval of a presidential profile, the search committee is now in the search phase of this process. The profile will be used to help select candidates to bring to campus for interviews. The search will be broad-based and national in scope.

The presidential profile outlines the opportunities for the new president; provides background on the university; and describes the attributes and experience the committee and community are looking for in a new president.

The profile is available on the university’s presidential search website.

University stakeholders played a major role in helping the search committee create the presidential profile.

An online survey on the search received nearly 2,000 responses, while several hundred faculty, staff, students and alumni attended three campus forums and a symposium on the future of higher education featuring sitting university presidents and lawmakers. Search committee members also interviewed Wright State stakeholders and community leaders.

The Wright State University Board of Trustees approved the profile during a meeting Oct. 26.

Applications, nominations and expressions of interest can be submitted to Academic Search, an executive search firm specializing in higher education, at [email protected].

The Presidential Search and Screening Advisory Committee includes more than 20 representatives of the Board of Trustees, students, faculty, staff, deans, retirees and alumni as well as Dayton-area community members.

More information on Wright State’s presidential search is available at

Story courtesy of Wright State University.