Fairborn Municipal Court

Fairborn Daily Herald

Oct. 17

Rebecca L. Seipert, 4195 Aley Drive, Beavercreek, guilty endanger child, $1,000, 90 days, 89 suspended.

John S. Monroe Jr., 573 Hillridge Drive, Fairborn, guilty menacing, $565 fines, 30 days, 20 suspended. No future similar violations for one year. One year supervised community control. Complete counseling.

Jason M. Thompson, 3336 Dayton Xenia Road, Dayton, guilty menacing, $565 fines, 30 days, 29 suspended. No future similar violations for one year. Up to one year unsupervised community control. No contact with victim.

Tyrone G. Robison, Brushrow Road Wills Found Ha 219, Xenia, guilty disorderly conduct, $656 fines, 30 days, 30 suspended.

Tyrone G. Robison, Brushrow Road Wills Found Ha 219, Xenia, guilty petty theft, $1,015 fines, 90 days, 90 suspended. No future similar violations for six months. Six months supervised community control. Restitution to America Express.

Brian E. Klein, 6004 Hendon Ave., Dayton, guilty unauthorized use property, $565 fines, 30 days, 20 suspended. Ten days house arrest.

Fairborn Municipal Court report compiled from completed cases occurring in Beavercreek and Fairborn. Report compiled by Emily Day.