Farm Forum meeting features well maintenance

Greene County News

XENIA — Greene County Farm Forum program will focus on things you can do to keep your well producing quality drinking water for your family, animals and plants on Monday, Oct. 24.

Mark Isaacson of the Greene County Combined Health District will share his thoughts on “Well Maintenance and Concerns.” He is Program Manager for Water, Sewage and Solid Waste for the District. Bring your questions on well maintenance and what needs to be done to maintain a quality water supply.

The meeting will start at 6:30 p.m. and will be held at Union United Methodist Church located at 393 Washington Road. A meal will be served prior to the program at a cost of $10 per person.

RSVP to Jerry Mahan before Friday, Oct. 21 if you intend to have dinner. No reservations are necessary if you just wish to attend the meeting. For reservations contact Jerry Mahan at 937-372-5711 or email him at [email protected]. The meeting is open to the public and is sponsored by Greene County Farm Forum.

Story courtesy of Greene County Farm Forum