Xenia pauses for peace

Barb Slone | Greene County News

Debbie Matheson, Executive Director at the Family Violence Prevention Center, welcomed guests to the candlelight vigil, Pause for Peace, on Monday night at Shawnee Park.

The Xenia Chrome Divas presented a check to the Domestic Violence Awareness Center.

Attendants lit candles to honor domestic violence victims.

A bell was rung 25 times to symbolize the 25 domestic violence fatalities in Ohio in 2015.

Barb Slone | Greene County News Debbie Matheson, Executive Director at the Family Violence Prevention Center, welcomed guests to the candlelight vigil, Pause for Peace, on Monday night at Shawnee Park.
http://aimmedianetwork.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/50/2016/10/web1_DebbieMatheson.jpgBarb Slone | Greene County News Debbie Matheson, Executive Director at the Family Violence Prevention Center, welcomed guests to the candlelight vigil, Pause for Peace, on Monday night at Shawnee Park.

The Xenia Chrome Divas presented a check to the Domestic Violence Awareness Center.
http://aimmedianetwork.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/50/2016/10/web1_XeniaChromeDivas.jpgThe Xenia Chrome Divas presented a check to the Domestic Violence Awareness Center.

Attendants lit candles to honor domestic violence victims.
http://aimmedianetwork.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/50/2016/10/web1_Candlelight.jpgAttendants lit candles to honor domestic violence victims.

A bell was rung 25 times to symbolize the 25 domestic violence fatalities in Ohio in 2015.
http://aimmedianetwork.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/50/2016/10/web1_bellringing.jpgA bell was rung 25 times to symbolize the 25 domestic violence fatalities in Ohio in 2015.

Vigil held for domestic violence victims