More old sayings

Have you ever thought about all the things people DON’T say any more?

I have and I have come up with a lot of once-popular sayings.

Like when somebody is going to clean their house for the first time in 11 years they tend to tell friends “I’m going to use a little elbow grease on this place tomorrow.”

The once-popular terms “land sakes!” and “gee whiz” have bitten the dust, too.

I had an uncle who while playing poker with family members would say “down like a deep-sea diver” whenever they asked him if he wanted his last card up or down.

Nobody is “poor as a church mouse” any more. Or “dumb as a box of rocks.”

When is the last time you heard someone say “she (or he) is skinny as a rail” or “tall as a tree” or “he’s got a face hat would stop traffic.”

Have you ever actually seen someone who was “as big as a barn?”

My grandma Odiel Dobbs (yes, Odiel) had a ton of favorite sayings including my all-time favorite “hark!”

Grandma Dobbs would shout hark if she wanted you to be quiet because she was listening to her favorite soap opera on her Philco radio which was roughly the same size as a Philadelphia and had a round, lighted dial.

Back in the old days if somebody was planning to remodel their outdated home they wouldn’t say “I’m gong to remodel my dated home” but they would say “It’s high time we spiffed up this place.”

Heck, the word “spiffed” isn’t even in the dog-eared dictionary on my desk in my home office.

The old sayings go on and on and on.

They also include, “he (or she) flew the coop” (went away), and “she (or he) has a face that would stop a clock and “a penny saved is a penny earned” and “heaven’s to Betsy.” The last one always confused me because I never did find out who Betsy was.

Bob’s Pun of the Day: Police arrested a hermit who was driving 90 miles-an-hour in a 35-miles-an hour zone. The charge? Recluse driving.
Senior Moments

By Bob Batz

Bob Batz is a retired long-time journalist and weekly columnist. Contact Bob at [email protected].