Fairborn Daily Herald
July 14
Kelly L. Ostrander, 1225 Ortega Drive, Fairborn, guilty hit skip, $265 fines, 30 days, 30 suspended. No future similar violation for one year.
Christopher S. Stewart, 5675 Chimney Circle Apt 2a, Kettering, guilty OVI/Under Inf, $640 fines, 180 days, 157 suspended. No future similar violations for two years. Good behavior for two years. Supervised probation for up to two years. Assessment for drug/alcohol and follow-up treatment. House arrest w/alcohol monitor and work release for 18 days. 5 days jail.
Nathan Y. Atkins, 441 W Surf St. Apt 1w, Chicago, IL, guilty Iii reckless operat, $365 fines, 30 days, 30 suspended. No future similar violation for one year. bmv fee waived.
Larry D. Whitt, 1453 Poplar Drive, Fairborn, no contest OVI/Under Inf, $490 fines, 180 days, 176 suspended. No future similar violations for two years. Good behavior for two years. Supervised probation for up to two years. Assessment for drug/alcohol and follow-up treatment. Granted permit. Three-day driver intervention program.
Brookshire, Elisabeth P. Brookshire, 2393 Mallard Lane 6, Beavercreek, guilty phys. control, $365 fines, 180 days, 180 suspended. No future similar violations for two years. Good behavior for two years. Supervised probation for up to two years. Assessment for drug/alcohol and follow-up treatment.