Local American Legion Auxiliary brings home awards

Fairborn Daily Herald

FAIRBORN — Four members of the American Legion Auxiliary Dignam-Whitmore, Unit 526 were recently at the Embassy Suites, in Independence, Ohio attending the American Legion Auxiliary Department of Ohio Convention. Three hundred American Legion Auxiliary members from the State of Ohio were in attendance.

Unit 526 delegates included: Pam Bates, National Cavalcade of Memories Committee member, Department Leadership chairman, Department Leadership Strategic Planning chairman, past unit, district and department president; Susan Masten, National Central Division junior chairman, National Executive Committee member from Ohio, Department third member, policy and chairman of the Strategic Planning Implementation team and past unit, Districtand Department president; Refugia Bowen, unit president and Mecca Brzeczek, Unit Executive Committee.

Friday afternoon and Saturday were dedicated to program awards for the year 2015-2016. Each department chairman emphasized the importance of the auxilary’s role in the community and serving the veterans and their families. Unit 526 took several awards: first place certificate americanism and community service; second place junior activities; third place veterans affairs and rehabilitation and children and youth honorable mention. The unit said it could not win these awards without the hard work of its members and chairmen.

On Saturday morning, department officer elections were held. The unit’s new department president is Denise Conrad of Woodville.Her special project this year is the military assistance fund. It provides monetary assistance for Ohio’s military and families. Visit www.alaohio.org to donate. Follow the directions and go to national security, military assistance fund. If you know a military family who needs assistance, go to the same website and find information about the program as well as a form to fill out. It assisted 42 veterans this past year with the help of all the donations received from members and non-members. You can also contact the Department of Ohio American Legion Auxiliary for further information.

The Auxiliary’s membership program conducts ongoing recruiting to ensure the future growth and prosperity of the organization. The national organization’s goal is to be 1 million strong by 2019. Unit members work diligently to publicize and promote the benefits, objectives and activities of the auxiliary and seek out those eligible women who might be interested in membership and active involvement in unit activities. Units, departments and districts vie in friendly competition against one another as they work toward reaching their individual and organizational membership goals.

On Sunday, Pam Bates was ratified for the 2016 – 2017 Ohio auxiliary year as the department leadership chairman, department convention chairman for 2017 in Dayton and department leadership strategic planning chairman. As leadership chairman, her duties are to encourage and develop present and future leadership within the organization. comprehensive training courses and materials are offered in every auxiliary department and by the national organization.

As department chairman she will conduct leadership workshops with motivational speakers to increase enthusiasm for all auxiliary programs as well furthering the agenda of the strategic leadership team goals. As the chairman for the convention to be held in Dayton, she is responsible to see that it runs smoothing and efficiently with the help of her co-chairman, Ruth Brinkel and Team Dayton.

Susan Masten was also ratified as past presidents parley chairman and second member of policy. The purpose of the past presidents parley is to utilize the experience and knowledge of past auxiliary leaders for training and encouragement of future auxiliary leaders. Through the past presidents parley committee, women who have served as unit, department and national presidents have an opportunity to continue in active service to the auxiliary, helping ensure strong future leadership for the organization.

Masten is also serving as vice-chairman of local pages at the American Legion Auxiliary National Convention in Cincinnati in late August. Her duties are to work under the guidance of the chairman of local pages, Gwen Schroeder-Zulch, Jerry City OH to make sure that members are guided to the appropriate meeting areas as well as adhere to the rules and the order of business at the convention.

If you would like information about joining the American Legion Auxiliary, the largest women’s organization, contact the local Unit at 937-878-3831.

Story courtesy of Pam Bates.