FAIRBORN — Fairborn will offer a variety of events over the holiday weekend.
– Fireworks that create large explosions are prohibited in Ohio, with an exception to items found for sale at retailers within the state. Sparklers, smoke bombs and snakes, for example, are acceptable.
– The Fourth of July Committee and the Fairborn Police Department ask that vehicles participating in the parade avoid distributing candy by throwing it from cars and instead pass out the sweet stuff by having parade walkers travel near the curb to distribute candy. Committee officials said they want the children to have candy, but also want to keep kids from running into the roadway and experiencing an accident.
– The Fairborn Area Chamber of Commerce is hoping to get event attendees pumped for the upcoming presidential debate and will be distributing bowler hats, made popular by the Wright brothers, from its facility, 12 N. Central Ave. Attendees will also have the opportunity to take photos with Orville and Wilbur cutouts. Chamber officials also wish to promote local debate hashtags: #WrightStateDebate and #BowlerBuzz.
– The Fourth of July events will interrupt traffic pattern:
Block party
The downtown area — Main Street between Pleasant Street and Wright Avenue as well as Central Avenue between Dayton and Xenia Drives — closes to vehicles at 1 p.m. Sunday, July 3; it will re-open 11 p.m. Fairborn Police recommend using Interstate-675, Broad Street and Dayton Drive to avoid the road closure.
Central Avenue will be closed between Dayton and Broad Street as well as sections of Broad Street. Downtown Roads, Main Street and Central Avenue, will close 7:30 a.m. Monday, July 4. Additional roads utilized by the parade, Central Avenue, Main Street and portions of Main and Broad Streets, will close to traffic starting 9:15 a.m.