Greene County bustling with achievers

BEAVERCREEK — Twenty groups and individuals were recognized as Greene County Achievers by community leaders during the Greene County Annual Report to the Community Friday, April 22. They came from all corners of the county and were celebrated for varying acts, such as research discoveries, charity work, heroic actions, academic endeavors and athletic achievements.

– John McIntire, Ph.D: McIntire is a research psychologist at the Air Force Research Laboratory at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base. He received the 2015 Stanley N. Roscoe Award for Best Doctoral Dissertation in aerospace human factors, which is a nationally-recognized award.

– Jasmin C. Scott-Hawkins, M.P.H: Scott-Hawkins is a medical student at Wright State University Boonshoft School of Medicine and was one of 13 medical students recognized on a national level with the 12th Annual Oliver Goldsmith M.D. Scholarship for the Promotion and Advancement of Culterually Responsive Care. She will graduate in May 2016 with her M.D. degree, in which she plans to undertake a residency in child and adolescent psychiatry.

– Denny Morrison: Morrison serves as the superintendent of Xenia Community Schools and has received the Buckeye Association of School Administrators Exemplary Leadership Award, which celebrates quality educational leadership resulting in improving educational opportunities for students in Ohio.

– Wright State University Boonshoft School of Medicine – Family Medicine Interest Group: The Family Medicine Interest Group, included as part of the Boonshoft School of Medicine, was one of 19 winners of the American Academy of Family Physicians 2015 Program of Excellence Award for Special Consideration for Most Improved Family Medicine Interest Group.

– Greene County Career Center FFA Chapter: The group, including Makayla Dean, Gavin Estes, Laura Lewis and Shelby White, competed in the Big E Veterinary Science Career Development Event last year upon receiving second place in the Ohio State Animal Health Development Event.

– Artemas Reynolds: Reynolds, a freshman at Bellbrook High School, was a semi-finalist in the Broadcom Masters Science Competition after researching how disinfectants impat bacteria. His project, titled “Investigating how well Chemical and Natural Disinfectants Inhibit Bacteria Growth”, earned a superior rating at Bellbrook Middle School, west district and the state level. Reynolds placed second for the Future Physician-Scientist Award at the state level.

– Nate Feix: Feix, a freshman at Bellbrook High School, earned a spot as a semi-finalist in the Broadcom Masters Science Competition for his project, “Defending Buoyancy: Finding the Best Placement of Cargo on a Ship to Maximize Weight and Avoid Capsizing”. Feix’s project was additionally celebrated by the Ohio Aeronautics, Aviation and Technology Committee and the Ohio House of Representatives with a Personal Point of Privilege Award.

– Ted Autore: Autore, a sophomore at Bellbrook High School, has earned all 141 merit badges it is possible to receive as an Eagle Scout.

– Alan Fletcher: Fletcher serves the Air Force Research Lab Materials and Manufacturing Directorate and was honored with the Command Civilian Award for Valor, which is awarded upon showing courage of competence while helping someone during an emergency. The recognition comes after Fletcher witnessed two cars and a semitrailer get involved in an accident, in which he observed one of the drivers exit the vehicle and begin to wonder into traffic. Fletcher responded by moving himself in front of the driver and convinced her to move to a safe location. However, Fletcher was struck by a van, but his response ensured the safety of the other drivers and the individual who had exited their vehicle.

– Cedarville University School of Pharmacy: The school was one of four recognized by the American Association of Schools of Pharmacy with the Student Community Engaged Service Award, which celebrates student-led community-engagement projects.

– Cameron Kelly: Kelly, a senior at Bellbrook High School, was recognized for his second state title for wrestling within the 132 weight class. He finished his high school wrestling career with 40-0.

– Grace Norman: Norman, a senior at Xenia Christian High School, set an American record for the women’s paralympic T-44 category, which recognizes those with an amputation below the knee, in the 400-meter run. She finished third at the IPC Athletics World Championship in Qater. She received a bronze medal and had a time of 1:03.83; her previous best time was 1:03.99.

– Dayton Development Coalition and the State of Ohio: The Dayton Development Coalition and the State of Ohio was awarded the Community Excellence Award by the Association of Defense Communities for the entity’s work alongside Wright-Patterson Air Force Base.

– Morris Furniture Company: The Fairborn-based company was awarded the 2015 Governor’s Award for the Arts for its work in supporting the arts. The company owners, Larry and Marilyn Klaben have earned a reputation for supporting the arts upon donating more than $1 million to area nonprofits that support such.

– Frontier Technology, Inc.: FTI was one of 25 companies recognized this past summer during a White House ceremony, in which it received the 2015 Small Business Innovation Research Tibbetts Award. The companies that were honored were selected based on the ability to provide impactful innovative research.

– UES, Inc.: Upon creating a photo-conductive semiconductor switch, the company was named a 2015 R & D 100 Award by R & D Magazine.

– Ricky Peters: Former Air Force Research Laboratory Executive Director Ricky Peters was honored by President Barack Obama with the Meritorious Executive Presidential Rank Award.

– Dr. Steven Rogers: Rogers, the principal scientific authority and independent researcher within multi-sensor automatic target recognition and senor fusion, was also honored by Obama with the Meritorious Senior Professional Presidential Rank Award.

– Michael Gill: Gill, the executive director of the Air Force material Command at WPAFB, was additionally honored by Obama with the Distinguished Executive Presidential Rank Award.

– Barbara Mills: Mills serves as the CEO of CBD Advisors LLC, and was presented with the Dave Hobson Dayton Region Advocate Award by the Dayton Development Coalition.

Each of these individuals were recongized for accomplisments made within the past year. County Commissioner Alan Anderson indicated that there are already individuals county leaders are ready to celebrate at next year’s annual event.

Whitney Vickers | Greene County News Ted Autore was recongized as an achiever during the Greene County Annual Report to the Community after earning all 141 merit badges possible to receive as an Eagle Scout. Vickers | Greene County News Ted Autore was recongized as an achiever during the Greene County Annual Report to the Community after earning all 141 merit badges possible to receive as an Eagle Scout.

By Whitney Vickers

[email protected]

Whitney Vickers can be reached by calling her directly at 937-502-4532 or on Twitter @wnvickers. For more content online, visit our website or like our Facebook page.