Rolling checkpoints happening within Clark County

Greene County News Report

SPRINGFIELD – As summer winds down, local law enforcement agencies are ramping up enforcement efforts as part of a national crackdown on drunk driving. The 20-day, high-visibility campaign, Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over, is a partnership with the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) to curb impaired driving and save lives.

Beginning yesterday, Aug. 21 through Sept. 7 (Labor Day), law enforcement partners nationwide will show zero tolerance for drunk driving. Increased state and national messaging about the dangers of driving drunk, coupled with checkpoints and increased officers on the road, aim to drastically reduce the toll of drunk driving.

The Clark County OVI Task Force begane operating a rolling OVI checkpoint in Clark County one on Main Street in Enon. The goal will be to intercept impaired drivers as part of our ongoing enforcement efforts.

A rolling checkpoint means that multiple locations will be set up in Clark County in one evening. The focus of enforcement and checkpoints will be to crack down on impaired operators of motor vehicles, speeding violations and seat belt enforcement. All law enforcement agencies will enforce a zero tolerance policy for these violations.

If any questions arise, contact Chief Stephen P. Moody of the Clark County OVI Task Force at 324-7720 weekdays between 8 a.m. until 4 p.m., or Anita Biles, Clark County OVI Task Force Administrator, at 937-390-5600 ext. 224.

Greene County News Report compiled by Whitney Vickers.