Enon approves hydrogeologic study

ENON – An ongoing effort of the Village of Enon to better characterize the hydrogeologic conditions of the village’s drinking-water production wells has led the village council to approve a proposal to perform a hydrogeologic study of the wells and well field.

During Tuesday, Aug. 11 village council meeting, council members unanimously approved an agreement with Terran Corporation to conduct the study at a cost that would not exceed $6,800.

According to Enon Village Administrator Ben Ross, the corporation, which is based in Beavercreek, would develop a database design and template for production well upkeep and water quality tracking. The software program would capture all that is known about a particular production well design, construction and performance. The village would then use the accumulated data to evaluate and better guide on-going well maintenance and well field management.

“This study would be specific to Enon’s wells and well field. It will not involve studies from other municipalities,” Ross said.

Ross explained that production well number three would be used as the prototype for the well assessment database design because the well has undergone significant modifications in the last 10 years and is the most affected well by off-site groundwater contamination.

Enon Mayor Tim Howard stated that the village did not have the ability to perform a hydrogeologic study, and contracting professionals with the expertise to perform the project was worth the investment. He also noted that selecting well number three as the prototype was the right choice.

“For $6,800, we are going to get a big bang for the bucks,” Howard said.

When asked by Council Member Lorri DeVore if historical information would be included in the database, Ross said the study would incorporate past information from the village’s files concerning the design, construction, maintenance, repairs and upgrades of each production well.

Terran officials will inspect and inventory each pump, motor, discharge pipe, valve and drop pipe, and develop an updated well pump configuration summary. A two-week water-level monitoring will also be performed on each production well to determine the current capacity, maximum drawdown, well efficiency and degree of interference.

“They will evaluate all of this information and submit a report to the village,” Ross said. “It will help us determine if the wells will adequately meet the needs of the village.”

Ross noted that the information included in the well dossier would be used as a significant analytical tool to develop a long-term plan for the village’s drinking-water system.

In other business, village council unanimously approved a proposed emergency resolution authorizing the village administrator to prepare and submit an application to participate in the Ohio Public Works Commission State Capital Improvement Program and the local transportation improvement program.

If awarded, the grant funding would be used to provide capital improvements to the village’s drinking-water system by adding a water connection near the Speedway Corporate Office Headquarters.

The next regular session of the Enon Village Council is scheduled for 7 p.m. Tuesday, Aug. 25 at the Enon Government Center, located at 363 E. Main St.

By Linda Collins

For the Herald

Linda Collins is a freelance writer for Greene County News.