Discovery Lab open house

For Greene County News

WRIGHT-PATTERSON AIR FORCE BASE — The Discovery Lab is hosting a Summer at The Edge (SATE) Open House 1-5:30 p.m. Aug. 13 at the Tec Edge Innovation & Collaboration Center to showcase student projects in the fields of science, technology, engineering, and math.

The STEM projects available will consist of 3D-printed Unmanned Aircraft Systems, flight simulators, smart body cams, and virtual reality operations—among many others.

Dr. Rob Williams, a Discovery Lab research director, will be available for media interviews, and students will be on hand to discuss their projects as well.

A key element of SATE is the Deep Horizons virtual research campus designed to allow college students to participate on student research teams despite the team members being separated by hundreds of miles. These remote-site students also stay connected to the Discovery Lab through robotic telepresence technologies developed by the students that could one day allow high schools across the country to connect to various AFRL STEM programs in order to explore future STEM career opportunities at AFRL.

The mission of the Discovery Lab is to “accelerate today’s technology innovations, while growing tomorrow’s technology innovators.” The goals of the lab are to harness the intellect of students to help develop warfighter and commercial applications for Air Force research, and to encourage students to enter the STEM field to help address the need for research and design specialists that the U.S. military and defense industry will need in the near future.

Story coursesy of the Discovery Lab.