Serv-a-thon a success
Xenia Christian Schools students served Greene County by doing various jobs for local businesses, churches, and families on May 21. Students raised money for their school by asking people to sponsor them for their day’s work. It was a true blessing all the way around.
The entire school came together in unity and were able to help others. XC’s hope is that the community of Xenia will catch on and remember that every spring will be its annual Fundraiser/Serve-a-thon. Yes, this was a fundraiser, but the emphasis was set on building the student’s character. People did not have to give for the school to serve them. Helping others is what this event is about. There were 30 groups of kids serving at various locations that day.
These students are the next generation, who knows, they may be the next employees or owners of the businesses they served. There’s a lot of good happening at Xenia Christian. We are blessed and very thankful for the families and the many businesses that supported this project. A special thank you to those who gave generously $500 or more: APEC; Bryant Law Office; Dayton Ave. Baptist Church; Dean’s Plumbing; Flagel Huber Flagel; Stahl Vision; W A Hammond Drierite Co., LTD; Wichman Financial Services, INC; Xenia Rotary; YMCA-Xenia
— Bobbie Oliver, Xenia Christian Schools