Verses from Momma: Shine on!

Philippians 2:14-16 “Do everything without complaining or arguing, so that you may become blameless and pure, children of God without fault in a crooked and depraved generation, in which you shine like stars in the universe as you hold out the word of life …”

Have you ever been around a constant complainer? This is the kind of person who sucks the joy right out of life by finding fault with everything and everybody. Perhaps a better question is, “Are you one of those draining people who is always complaining or arguing?”

This is something I have had to ask myself lately. While reading through Philippians I was convicted about my complaining. Sure, there are daily annoyances that can absolutely drive me crazy, but doesn’t everybody experience that?

It might be easy to think that the writer of today’s verses had a life of ease until you find out that the apostle Paul wrote these words while he was imprisoned. Despite doing nothing but preach the gospel message, angry Jews of the area arrested and took him into custody. If anyone had a reason to complain, surely it was this man. Yet in the midst of these difficult circumstances, Paul chose to praise God, trust Him, and live a joy-filled life. He learned to be content no matter what the day might bring.

Understanding that he lived within a crooked and depraved generation, Paul chose to live above his circumstances, no matter how dismal. In doing so he showed himself to be a child of God, and his testimony of God’s grace shone like a bright star in a dark night sky.

If you read the book of Acts you will see that there were many who came to believe on Jesus Christ through Paul’s preaching and positive attitude, despite the fact that his life was not always easy. I am sure Paul was reflecting on the conversions of numerous prison guards, prisoners, and others as he wrote these convicting words.

This week why don’t you join me in memorizing this passage of Scripture? You will be surprised how often it comes to your mind as you open your mouth to grumble. Over time I trust we will drop this bad habit, and start to do everything without complaining or arguing. Instead of draining those around us we will begin to shine brighter for Jesus. And even in the most difficult of experiences we can show that we are children of God. Shine On! — Love Mama