CHS, CMS name students of month


CEDARVILLE — Cedarville High and Middle schools recently named their October students of the month.

Recognized were Chase Baldwin (12th grade), Ava Hardy (11th grade), Joscelyn Evans (10th grade), Diane Hart (ninth grade), Allie Ankeney (eighth grade), Lila Cook (seventh grade), and Kellen Stewart (sixth grade).

The schools sent the following about each student.

Baldwin — Chase is a great role model. He works hard in class and is always a first to volunteer.

Hardy — Ava works hard to excel in everything she does. She sets the bar high and strives to achieve it.

Evans — Joscelyn is a model student who strives to be the best that she can be.

Hart — Dane is a hard working student who truly enjoys the process of school.

Ankeney — Allie is a great leader and always works hard.

Cook — Lila is respectful, friendly, and a hard working student.

Stewart — Kellen is kind, upbeat, and respectful.