13 Attributes of God

“ ‘For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,’ declares the LORD. ‘As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.’ ” (Isaiah 55:8-9)

Have you taken a look at your bookmarks lately? Maybe you do not have a bookmark like me that I keep in my Bible. If you do, have you ever noticed that sometimes we completely ignore these little reminders?

I decided to take a moment to look at my bookmark and meditate on its truth, which is based on Scripture. It was so good that I want to share it with you.

These 13 attributes of God are from the late Dr. Bill Bright, a godly man I greatly admire and had the opportunity to meet in the mid-1990’s.

1. Because God is a personal Spirit, I will seek intimate fellowship with Him.

2. Because God is all-powerful, He can help me with anything.

3. Because God is ever-present, He is always with me.

4. Because God knows everything, I will go to Him with all my questions and concerns.

5. Because God is sovereign, I will joyfully submit to His will.

6. Because God is holy, I will devote myself to Him in purity, worship and service.

7. Because God is absolute truth, I will believe what He says and live accordingly.

8. Because God is righteous, I will live by His standards.

9. Because God is just, He will always treat me fairly.

10. Because God is love, He is unconditionally committed to my well-being.

11. Because God is merciful, He forgives me of my sins when I sincerely confess them.

12. Because God is faithful, I will trust Him to always keep His promises.

13. Because God never changes, my future is secure and eternal.

Your perspective is the fuel that gives energy to your most basic activities. How you view God will determine how you live your life.

Perhaps you want to take one attribute a day and spend some time meditating on it allowing the truth of God’s Word to saturate your heart and mind so that it fuels your walk with Christ.

William “Carey” Northington

William “Carey” Northington of One Master Ministries in Xenia may be contacted at OneMaster.org.