A great ‘Ham’ experience


I attended the Dayton Hamvention at the Fairgrounds this last weekend. It was a very enjoyable experience … mud in the Flea Market not withstanding. I walk with a cane and had the opportunity to ride in some of the golf carts around the grounds.

The drivers were extremely pleasant and helpful. I had the time to talk with a couple Paramedics, a Band Mom who had the opportunity to meet my Grandson who is a ham and is in the Marching Band at the Missouri University of Science and Technology and, also a member of the Fairground Board.

I would like to thank the community, the Sheriff’s Department for the great traffic control and EMS for their efforts and I am looking forward to next year. By the way. The first Dayton Hamvention I attended was in 1962 at the Dayton BIltmore hotel.

— Jay Underdown W0PS, O’Fallon, Mo.

Vote against school levy


I have been a homeowner of Xenia for 21 years. I am so mad about this ridiculous school levy. When is a no vote, a no vote? Keep pushing this at the voters until something sticks. We, as homeowners, do not want this ludicrous tax put against our homes. The schools were given five, 2-story elementary schools. They tookone1 of our junior high schools to make into a preschool. They now complain of over crowding in Warner. Well if they put the junior high back into a junior high and take one of those elementary schools to become a day care, that would eliminate crowding. The schools were built tornado proof after the tornado and the high school was built with expansion in it’s plans.

The school’s already get $500,000 a year for improvements — a levy we approved a few years ago. What are they using that money for? Repairs have already been made on the existing problems, so let’s just waste the money spent. They outsourced the busing. They saved thousands with just that move. The bus drivers lost everything. The Xenia school district was graded an “F” and now we should reward the schools with a new complex. We are not Beavercreek. We should not be trying to compete with Beavercreek. Home ownership is down.

They expect the homeowners to pay for a new school complex, while they wait for new roads. Something we have been screaming for years. My road hasn’t been resurfaced in 20 years. Maybe if the homeowners got some support from the city, maybe they would be more willing to support the schools.

This should be a business tax, or an income tax. If the renters live and work here, they should not be given a free, new school complex, and should be responsible for it’s cost.

The present students in 6-12th grades, won’t even benefit from this enterprise.

I encourage all home owners and investors to get out and vote “no.” It’s the only issue on the ballot. And it’s easy to vote no. Just hit the red button.

— Carrie B. Buzzelli, Xenia

Budget eliminates funds for arts


Communities across America have a stake in the arts, including our own. According to Americans for the Arts, 4.8 million Americans go to work in arts and culture industries. Additionally, the arts generate $22.3 billion in federal, state, and local government revenue.

The major driver of arts initiatives across the country is the National Endowment for the Arts. The NEA is the independent federal agency whose funding and support gives Americans the opportunity to participate in the arts.

The NEA’s goals are fulfilled primarily through direct grants, reviewed and recommended by panels of citizen experts, to arts organizations across the country. NEA grants provide a significant return on investment of federal dollars with $1 of NEA direct funding leveraging up to $9 in private and other public funds, resulting in $500 million in matching support in 2016. Why? Because winning an NEA grant sends a clear message that the grantee is operating an impactful local program of top national quality.

President Trump’s proposed budget for FY 2018 calls for an elimination of the NEA, among other cultural agencies like the National Endowment for the Humanities.

Please don’t believe those dusty, old arguments to eliminate these cultural agencies because it would reduce the deficit or the size of government. We simply cannot afford to cut back on our federal investment in the arts and culture in this country.

— Bruce Cromer, Yellow Springs