Inspirational message

Have you set any spiritual goals or committed to any New Year’s resolutions for this upcoming new year? Goals can be intimidating for many people. The reason is often they are unrealistic. This is why breaking goals down into smaller goals that are attainable is a good idea.

One goal I have set in the past, which was very fulfilling, was to read through the Bible in a year. If you have never considered doing this, I encourage you to commit to it. There are many benefits you will receive. Here are just a few:

1. God Speaks. By reading the Scriptures, I put myself in a position to hear from God. Because the Bible is God’s Word, if I want to follow Him and do what He says then I need to listen to Him. One of the best ways to listen to God is through reading and applying what is in the Bible.

2. Gain a Broader Perspective. Since I had not read all the way through the Bible, I had not experienced it as one book. From Genesis to Revelation, it explains God’s future plans for the world. By reading the Bible in its entirety, I am able to see God’s plan more clearly and how every person, event and situation fit together to accomplish His strategy to know His creation.

3. Given Strength. “My soul is weary with sorrow; strengthen me according to your word.” This life, at times, can be very challenging. Many, many times this year I came to God’s Word and received His strength and encouragement from my daily reading. By placing myself in a position to draw from this “daily bread” I was able to accept, from the Lord, what He wanted to provide me that day.

Maybe this has encouraged you to consider reading through the Bible this year. What is the best way to do it? There is certainly no right or wrong way. The goal is to read the entire Bible in the next 365 days. The way I chose was to use The Daily Walk Bible by Tyndale Publishers. Each day provides an overview, a devotional and some interesting insights into the passage you are able to read. Another option is to do an Internet search on “Read Through the Bible in a Year”.

One last encouragement…if you decide to read through the Bible this year, do it because you want to draw closer in your relationship with Jesus Christ, not because it is a chore. He loves you so much and wants to meet you daily in the “living room” of His Word.

“You’re blessed when you stay on course, walking steadily on the road revealed by God.” — Psalm 119:1 (The Message)

By William “Carey” Northington

William “Carey” Northington of One Master Ministries in Xenia may be contacted at