Family gathering in heaven

1 Timothy 6:19 “In this way they will lay up treasure for themselves as a firm foundation for the coming age, so that they may take hold of the life that is truly life.”

The holidays are a time of gathering. Throughout the world families celebrate special events and days together. It can be a time of happiness and a time of sadness as loved ones reflect on the gifts God has given them and the difficulties they have been through. But for those whose eyes are fixed on Jesus Christ the holidays are a time to tighten our grasp on our sure hope of eternal life.

Wow! What a week! We worked up until the last minute and waited with anticipation the arrival of family members who celebrated the Thanksgiving holiday with us. We ate. We laughed. We stayed up late watching movies. We talked. We held our newest family member, cousin Verity. We played games. We ice skated. We raked leaves. We enjoyed. Yet there was sadness too.

There was sadness that we could not all be together. Families stretch and shrink over the years. In a busy world it is not always possible to reunite as work schedules, distance, and illness often have their say. But praise the Lord this is not the end.

God’s children do not put their trust in the riches of this present world. Nor do we hope in things that are seen. We recognize that our blessings are not things to be horded, but shared. We desire to obey God by doing good, being rich in good deeds and generosity, being willing to share. In this way our greatest treasures and celebrations will be in heaven where we will enjoy them forever.

Someday we will gather at heaven’s banquet table. We will eat. We will laugh. We will sing. We will praise. We will be full of thanksgiving. And there will be no sadness because every member of God’s family will be present – even those we have not yet met from every tribe and nation on earth. Thanks be to God for His indescribable gift. Now that’s a holiday gathering to look forward to!! — Love, Mama

By Sandra Sheridan

Sandra Sheridan is a Midwest wife and mother of five. She shares her letters to her children with our readers. Visit her at