Letters to the Editor

Forty percent off


Here at home, my wife is thrilled when a really good buy comes along — and the Fairborn City Schools have found one!

Forty percent off!

The State of Ohio has agreed to pay almost $23.5 million toward the construction of two new schools. The total construction cost is nearly $58 million, so you do the math. On my calculator, it is most definitely a 40 percent discount!

Forty percent off!

Aside from the obvious need, the Fairborn Primary School building (Five Points) and the Fairborn Intermediate School building (Palmer-South) are in the worst condition, it’s a “no-brainer of a buy.” Your yes vote in November will ensure Fairborn City and Bath Township school children will have two new schools — a PreK through second grade school and another third through fifth school … and we will get them both at 40 percent off!

Please join me in voting yes in November for Issue #19 and the Fairborn City Schools!

— Steve Ross, Bath Township

Cancer Walk thank you


The Jamestown Families Cancer Care would like to thank everyone in our local community as well as our surrounding communities for the gracious support given us during our recent 7th Annual Cancer Walk and raffles during the 2016 Jamestown Bean Festival and Jamestown Bicentennial celebrations.

Without your support we would not be able to help the families that are in need of assistance during their most difficult time of battling Cancer. Our Cancer Walk has grown each year to over 200 this year. Something our small community should be very proud of. Also, we would especially like to thank the Jamestown Village Council members and the Jamestown Lions Club members for their assistance and continued support.

Barbara Fowler, Jamestown