Farewell, Greene County

My time here at the Xenia Daily Gazette and Greene County News has come to an end, and I felt it was only appropriate to say farewell to the many people and places I have enjoyed so much.

While I’m excited to move on to a new opportunity, I don’t do so without a certain amount of sadness. I will thoroughly miss Greene County, both as a place to live and work. I’ve enjoyed everything from its cities and bustling areas to its quiet villages and peaceful rivers. It will truly be a hard place to leave.

When I graduated from Cedarville University a couple years ago, my head was full of plenty of ideas about what it meant to be a journalist. All those ideas were about to change! While I was incredibly well prepared by my professors there, nothing can ready you fully for full-time reporting. Some times you just have to jump in the pool.

And jump in I did. Over these last two years, I’ve learned a lot about what it takes to be a good journalist. It takes a listening ear, a bold spirit and just the right mix of ego and humility. Some of this I’ve learned from trial and error (I apologize if you were a victim of an error). Some of this I’ve learned by watching the great staff around me here in the newsroom. I couldn’t have asked for a better place to get launched into this wonderful business that I love so much.

Thanks to all the sources I’ve met and people I’ve interviewed. With its diversity of perspectives, individuals and ideas, Greene County has been a fascinating place to cover. Each day here was different from the one before, and I loved that.

Finally, to my editorial coworkers here at the Xenia Daily Gazette, Fairborn Daily Herald and Greene County News, Merrilee, Scott, Whitney, John: thank you for everything. You’ve been patient when I’ve had questions, supportive when I’ve needed it, hilarious always and most of all, genuinely good people. You’ve taught me so much about journalism. You’re all such hard workers and it shows. I will miss you all so much. I wish you all the best.

Farewell, Greene County. It’s been a lot of fun.


Nathan Pilling was a staff reporter for Greene County News.