Inspirational Message

Have you ever wanted to do something and another person told you it couldn’t be done? Many of us, in this situation, may either accept this reluctantly or act like “a bull in a china shop” and force it to happen. King David did neither.

The Scripture in 1 Chronicles describes what happened when King David had a revelation come to him – he was in a palace but God dwelled in the tabernacle, which was essentially a large tent. David, with a sincere heart, thought God deserved something better.

Nathan, the prophet whom David greatly respected and listened to as from God, received a word from the Lord during his sleep that David was not to build a “house” for God. The Lord told him that one of his sons would be the one who would build it. (1 Chronicles 17:11-12)

We are not given any insight into how David felt about this word from the Lord. The only recorded action David did was to respond by going to God in prayer. The prayer is recorded in 1 Chronicles 17:16-27. It is a humble acknowledgement of God’s rightful place in David’s life. The King knew who was in charge and that he should obey Him fully. Verse 26 sums it up rather well: “O Lord, you are God! You have promised these good things to your servant.”

How will you respond today, tomorrow, or next week when something that you desire is kept from you? Will you sulk in disappointment, push through it no matter the cost, or take it to the Lord in prayer? God wants to be involved in every aspect of your life. His plans for you are good and submitting yourself in prayer to him is always the correct response.

“Nathan reported to David all the words of this entire revelation. Then King David went in and sat before the Lord …” — 1 Chronicles 17:15-16

William “Carey” Northington of One Master Ministries in Xenia may be contacted at