Letters to the editors

Editor’s note: Please note that the deadline for political letters to the editor is now passed. These are the final letters received as of deadline.

Return Engle


The citizens of the City of Xenia deserve a top-notch city council. That is why we are writing to support the re-election to Xenia City Council of Michael Engle, the council’s current president. We believe that there is no candidate better suited for the job or more deserving of being returned to office than Mike Engle! Mike is hardworking, dedicated, fair-minded and trustworthy. Moreover, he has a keen mind and a true heart for our city.

Having said all of that, integrity is still the first word that comes to mind when we think of Mike Engle. He has served the City of Xenia honestly and unselfishly—his only interest being the betterment of our community — and will continue to do so if the voters of Xenia return him to office. That is why we urge our fellow citizens to please re-elect Michael Engle to Xenia City Council.

— Phil and Lucy Parsons, Xenia

The whole truth?


Much as I appreciate the bleeding heart approach to voting yes to Levy Issue 18 and the statement of Greene County Parks & Trails Director Chrisbel Bednar’s comment about having to close some of the parks if this levy doesn’t pass, I wonder how much truth there is to this.

It sounds too much like school boards who continue to raise salaries, even whopping raises for administrators, and then ask the public for more money or they’ll cut music, art instruction, athletic programs or other activities close to certain parents’ hearts! Then the voters panic and vote yes to more taxes.

Do voters not look around them at all the decaying, abandoned houses in our area, partially due to lack of jobs and no possibilities of paying off loans or even property taxes? Yet hearts bleed at the idea of cutting back on parks and trails. Okay here, how about everyone just rolling over and paying higher taxes? Go with the flow, don’t cha know.

I wonder if we’re being told the whole truth about the financial situation here?

— Pauline Clark, Xenia

Supporting Issue 18


I am writing in support of Issue 18 “Keep Up Greene Parks & Trails.” Greene County Parks & Trails is a vital part of what makes Greene County great. The parks, hiking trials, and bike trails attract hundreds of thousand of visitors who spend millions of dollars at local businesses.

Without passage of Issue 18, the future of Greene County Parks & Trails is at risk. Continued funding reductions would result in significantly less regular maintenance and improvements. The potential of park closures and less security and environmental protection for those that would remain is real.

I applaud the Park District’s efforts at cost saving and doing such a fine job given the significant funding reductions. However, no organization can succeed by cost cutting alone. Issue 18 will provide for an long term sustainable funding source. It will preserve one of Greene County’s greatest asset. Please join me in voting for Issue 18.

— Timothy Haney, Xenia

Parks need support


By voting yes on Issue 18 on or before Nov. 3. The Park District has come a long way since 1963 when the Greene County Park District was formed and three non-paid park commissioners appointed.

Their first major acquisition in 1969 was portions of Indian Mound Reserve totaling 99 acres.

Since that time many new areas and facilities were acquired and/or leased for outdoor recreation, preservation and natural resource protection. Some were donated and many purchased at less than fair market value.

A major publication with a 3 dimensional map locating all Greene County areas and facilities was released for distribution during the Great Ohio Bike Adventure in June 1994. The map described

Greene County parks, trails, rivers, streams, and other amenities for the 3,000 bicycle riders coming to Xenia and staying 2 nights before riding to their next stop. I can think of no other quote that best describes what we make available to our residents and visitors..” Come find America , discover Greene County Ohio where you can go…canoeing down a river flowing out of an Indian legend, observe glacial wetlands hike ancient Indian trails, bike along former railways now developed into trails. Come and experience the diversity of nature and recreational activities Greene County has to offer!

By voting yes to Issue 18 you are thanking those dedicated individuals who helped provide many of the parks and recreation areas and facilities we all enjoy today by providing necessary funds to maintain and improve existing and future park areas.

— Ed Dressler, Yellow Springs