Spring Valley Senior Center news

Spring Valley Senior Center is a local place for Spring Valley residents and the surrounding area –a place to come to hang out, to eat lunch, to play cards, to sew, quilt, or do crafting, exercise, to read books, do puzzles, to meet with friends, to watch a movie, to join in a covered dish dinner, or come to a Euchre party!

Your tax dollars help to keep us open and pay basic expense and utilities. Please, come and use our center.

Greene County Council on Aging helps provide funding for staff, as well as offering additional support to seniors. One of our members recently contacted them and was able to get help with putting up bathroom rails as well as getting help with cleaning their home. They can often help with getting a call- button in case you fall and need help. GCCOA also has specialists in finding your way through insurance and retirement issues. Call them at 937-376-5486.

Seniors and their caregivers need support and social activity and we are here for you. We are open 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday. If you would like to receive our newsletter or want to reserve a lunch, call us at 937-862-4475 and you can check out our activity schedule on our website www.springvalleyseniorcenter.

We have a job opening for someone interested in helping with meals, our newsletter, computer accounting, and activities. Our staff is aging as well as our members and we find that some are often out with health issues or just need a day off. Our director has been trying to keep up with all of the accounting and would like to have someone that is trained to do part of that as well. It would be great to have someone that is up to the physical challenges of emptying the steamtable waterpans, take out trash, and do dishes and some cleaning, as well as occasional light cooking.

It may be hoping for too much to have one person that is willing to do the menial labor, computer skills, an interest in helping seniors, and willing to work for minimum wage with no benefits … But we have some fun here too and you could be a part of our future. If you are that person or know someone who might be interested, call the center at 937-862-4475 or talk to director Janet Miller.

Volunteers are needed as well! As years have passed, we have continued to lose our volunteers that help with serving meals, especially since we have catered meals and we often only have a dozen or so coming to eat. It still takes at least two to serve the meal and run the cash register, but only for a short time. We currently have volunteers running the register a couple of the days but could use a volunteer for the other days.

It’s helpful to have someone help put out drinks and clear tables, and on occasion, we cook our own meals and can use extra help. There’s also need for volunteers to help lead activities that might draw more people, maybe someone that would share their knowledge on geneology, lead a craft or scrapbooking, someone who could teach a computer class, especially for using “notebooks” or smart phones and maneuvering through new technology.

Upcoming events: we have an art class –oil painting with Floyd Hood 5-8 p.m. Sept. 15. Anyone can come join the class –you don’t have to be a member. Cost is $35 and you bring your own canvas. Please call to get your name on the class. Our regular weekly crafts for September include sewing friendship hearts, polymer clay faces on banana gourds Sept. 14 and 21, and we have scheduled a special ribbon embroidery class on Friday Oct 16.

The quilt room always has projects going and if you’d like to get started on quilting, talk to Ann! There is a group coming on Tuesday and Thursday mornings with singing at 9:30 a.m., sit and be fit exercises with TV channel 16 at 10 a.m., followed by line- dancing at 10:30 a.m. There’s almost always dominoes and bid euchre after lunc.! We’d be glad to have you join us for any or all of it.

We have a carry-in dinner the fourth Friday evening at 6 p.m. and all are welcome. Usually some cards and games follow the meal. The second and fifth Friday evenings are progressive Euchre parties at 5:30 p.m., usually with 4–6 tables and we have great fu. We’re already beginning to plan our Halloween Party Oct. 23. Watch for information. It would be great to make it a reunion to bring in past members and community friends! We will be closed for Labor Day Sept. 7 –enjoy it with your families!




By Janet Miller

Janet Miller is the director of the Spring Valley Senior Center and guest columnist.