Because of your great mercy

“We do not make requests of you because we are righteous, but because of your great mercy. O Lord, listen! O Lord, forgive! O Lord, hear and act!” (Daniel 9:18b-19a)

Here is a beautiful acknowledgement of Daniel as to his position and all humankind’s position with the Almighty God. There is nothing of our own that qualifies us to approach our God, let alone ask anything of Him. Yet, we do so because we know of His great mercy to His creation. Therefore, it is proper, with this humble spirit, to call upon God to listen, forgive, hear and act. It is simply a matter of attitude. Humankind must know where they stand with their God. And that stand is that we are His.

One temptation is for us to believe we are better than we are. We sometimes act by challenging our God. Daniel expressed the right attitude in approaching God. He humbled himself and sought only God’s mercy. It was that mercy that he cried out for. It was the love of God that he cried out for. He and we look for times of deliverance. Our prayer is, “Lord, act on us in Your mercy.”

Heavenly Father, act on us with Your mercy. Deliver us from our sickness, this cancer of selfishness that invades us. In our sinfulness, we ask Your forgiveness and mercy for our healing. To You be the Glory always! In Jesus’ name. Amen.

By Pastor Robert Forsberg

Pastor Robert Forsberg is a former pastor from Light of Christ Church in Fairborn and a guest columnist.