Primary election letters policy

The deadline for the Xenia Daily Gazette and Fairborn Daily Herald to receive election-related Letters to the Editor pertaining to issues or candidates in the March 17 primary election is 2 p.m. Monday, March 9.

Election-related Letters to the Editor must be 250 words or less and are subject to editing by the editorial staff. Letters must maintain a degree of civility and good taste, and any that are potentially libelous will not be published.

Election-related letters are limited to one per household. Letters from candidates or their families will not be published. Due to space restrictions, we will try, but cannot guarantee, that all letters will be published in the print version of the Gazette and Herald. The Gazette and Herald reserve the right to publish or not publish a letter.

Letters should be emailed to [email protected] and include the writer’s name, community of residence, and a daytime phone number to verify authorship (and to answer any questions we may have).