Fairborn Municipal Court

Feb. 6

Michelle M. Keith, 601 West Wenger Road Apt. 73, Englewood, guilty disorderly conduct, $265 fines, 30 days, 29 suspended. No future similar violation for one year.

Zachary S. Schwartz, 4479 Bascule Bridge, Beavercreek, guilty OVI, $490 fines, 90 days, 87 suspended. No future similar violation two years. Three-day program and follow up. Up to two years supervised community control and drug/alcohol assessment. Good behavior two years, grant driving permit.

Nicholas J. Luttrell, 2683 Jade Run Apt. 7, Beavercreek, guilty OVI, $515 fines, 180 days, 160 suspended. Twenty days house arrest, two years supervised probation, assessment for drug/alcohol with follow-up. Two years good behavior and no future similar violations. Granted permit per court standard.

Joseph S. Neff, 1114 Mayapple Ave., Riverside, guilty falsification, $265 fines, 180 days, 60 suspended. Up to three years supervised community control. Drug/alcohol assessment and follow up. Good behavior for three years and 90-day program.

Feb. 8

Paige S. Brown, 860 Glenwood Ave. Apt. 2, Cincinnati, guilty petty theft, $265 fines, 90 days, 89 suspended. Good behavior for two years. Banned from all Wal-mart stores for two years. Time consecutive.

India M. Tatum, 232 Woodhills Blvd., West Carrollton, guilty unauthorized use of property, $265 fines, 30 days, 30 suspended. Good behavior for one year. Banned from the Mall at Fairfield commons for one year.

Page S. Brown, 860 Glenwood Ave. Apt. 2, Cincinnati, guilty petty theft, $265 fines, 90 days, 90 suspended.Good behavior for two years. Banned from all Target stores for two years. Consecutive time.

Fairborn Municipal Court report compiled from completed cases occurring in Beavercreek and Fairborn. Some court reports may not appear in print due to space constraints.